Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Night

For Halloween, even though Jason was incredibly ill, we went out to help our friends The Sagans host their Haunter Cemetery. We arrived around 2 pm and were not done setting up until about 5:30 pm. It had rained off and on so the Haunt was a little less involved than usual but as my first 'real' Halloween event it was still fun.

Halloween is definitely Sagan's holiday. He gets really involved in it and even though he spends very little on it he does an unbelievable job. The cemetery consists of the home-made fence that surrounds the front lawn. You have to enter through the gate (which has hands for handles) next to the "Halloween Town" sign. There is a huge spider in a black web between the trees in the back. You will also find some half buried bodies and lots of gravestones.. some which are still being visited. Sagan also made a casket and a body to lie in it. At one point we did have an actual person in it but most of the time is was just the dummy skeleton. Sagan made his own mix of music (which was perfect) and dressed to scare. I think the whole thing turned out well and we were well feed on cornbread, chili, and candy... lots of candy.

Here is a picture of Sagan all decked out. Many times with the little ones he had to take of the mask or they wouldn't have made it up to him. He also had to turn off the fogger, which wasn't working that well anyway, to make it less scary.

Here is Jason playing dead, literally. He laid on the grass and would move only after children were leaving. Many times they walked far away from him but some must have thought once they got candy all would be safe... well until the dead body moved. I was so proud of him when he got a teenage girl to scream and run out of the yard full tilt. Such a trooper in this weather.

Lastly, this is my Jordi and her friend McKenna all dressed up for trick-or-treating. Aren't they cute!! I want one but not yet. Unfortunately, our evening ended early as the rain set in and Sagan wanted to clean up so nothing got too damaged in the rain. What had taken four of us the better part of the day to build we took down in less than ten minutes. All in all a great Halloween!!

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