Monday, June 22, 2009

Jason's new.....

Hair! OK so it is the same old hair but a new look for it. We decided before we went on our big vacation (more on this later) that we should get our hair trimmed... well trimmed came out a little differently for both of us (I will show you mine tomorrow).

OK so above is the old Jason... from about a week ago when we BBQed together for the first time on our tiny (but efficient) BBQ. And below is the new Jason. No it is not a great picture but it shows the hair. I think it looks great... except I don't always recognise him. I freaked out waking up to him since I didn't recognise the hair... oops!

So I will show you mine tomorrow and tell you all about our up coming trip... which means I will be gone and this blog will be on hiatus for about a month. I promise to come back with lots of cool pictures and tales so stick around. More tomorrow! What do you think of hubby's new hair?


Kathleen said...

I love Jason's new hair! He looks so much more like a man and less like a vagrant from Vallejo. Great job.

Now where's that picture of your hair?

Christiana Krump said...

J looks great. I wanna see you're hair fact, i DEMAND it. :-P

Boupie said...

Sorry to disappoint but mine is not coming yet... I hate it. But maybe on Facebook if you are really nice!